Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Thoughts

Throughout the year, in each day may you find a little spark to excite your mind, a small flutter to stir your heart, a single moment that lifts the corners of your lips in a smile … making you glad to be in the moment, in that moment and in your life.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Year - here we are, a decade in to the 21 century - can you believe it? I am blogging from my new netbook - and must say, it works pretty slick!
I'm off to Mexico in 8 days and really looking forward to letting the sunshine and warmth light an additional creative spark in my mind and in my heart. Not that the sub zero, frozen to a crispy crunch air doesn't give you reason enough to stay inside and stand in front of the easel and play - but there's something about sitting on the beach, listening to the waves roar their way to the shore, feel the sun kiss your skin while your hand lingers over a blank page or canvas - even the thought inspires me. So one more week of office time and it'll be... to the airport, ticket, passport, watercolor paper sketch book and very little luggage in-hand and off I'll go.
2010 will be a year filled with creativity, laughter, love, joy and success - all appreciated while basking in gloriously fine health.
Hola for now - already dreaming in Spanish!