Monday, April 15, 2013

I thought I had lost all of the posts from the past as I couldn't for the life of me find them when I typed in my blog name - but as with anything worthwhile - just keep searching for it!
Life and travels have been wonderful over the last few years (can't believe that my last post was from NYEve 2010). Many wonderful places visited and many wonderful friends made along the way. Some of my travels have included Australia (twice), Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Florida, Hawaii and coast to coast Canada.
The big trip for 2013 is Spain - on June 1, I will take my first step on the Camino de Santiago. I'm starting in Pamplona and 712 km later will find myself in Santiago de Compostela. I'll be taking a sketch book and hopefully a whole bunch of photos and will set a few memories down on canvas when I get back. This, however, is not a trip to take a lot of art supplies - as everything I'm taking with me must be in the backpack that I'll be carrying the entire way - so nothing extra! Weight is most definitely THE consideration.
I've been getting myself in shape for a few months now - and have been walking and walking and breaking in my Solomon ultra-light hiking boots - and from all of the advice and articles I've read, well-broken in boots is the first order of the trip.
As I venture along - I will post to the blog and upload a few pix and thoughts. Until June - well, it'll be more walking, exercising, walking, and well - more walking! Have poles, pack, sleeping bag - WILL travel!