Sunday, May 26, 2013

First day - June 1

First day ...done! 24.5 km from Pamplona to Puente la Reina. It's been raining for the last 3 - 4 days all over the area, but today, while overcast and coolish, NO rain. A couple of spots where the clay pathway was sticky and sloppy, but other than dirty boots - no problems. Staying in a very nice albergue, semi private rooms and only 10 E each. Must say, really looking forward to supper!!!

Pix include Barb and I just before we headed to the airport. 

Our first Way Mark

And Barb standing where the path of the wind meets the path of the stars!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Training -17more sleeps

Made it to Dee's - 19 km from door to door. A good test of endurance. Today - Mom's Day 'n my birthday - walked a short one- 5.5 km. felt good after the long one so I think I'm about as ready as I can be. The 712 km - Pamplona to Santiago means about 24 to 30 km average each day. Here's a pix of my fav training trail in the ravine close to my place. Happy walking!