Monday, August 19, 2013

Third day's a charm! Or not!

Except that everyone wished there were another five days - the day was terrific. About a 7:30 start, coffee for the big people - all those under the age of majority were still sound asleep - and Dave, Teena and Chris were off once again for what was to be a faster rip n ride. Or not!
Just a wee bit stuck...thank goodness for winches!
How do you get half of the creek out of your machine? By the way...Quads don't float...

In the meantime back at the camp, shorter stumps were rustling!
As we're the older chil'in'.
After a 3 hour ride that took over 6...well then it was time to pack up, load up and start driving for home. 
Next time'll be for at least 5 days, otherwise there's not nearly enough time! 

Day two - off n quadin'

First order of business...breakfast -sausage, bacon, eggs, toast and coffee (and you know how I feel about my morning coffee)! Everything tastes so much better in the mountain air!
Gorgeous day for back country riding. First out, Dave and Greyson - Teena and Kayla - Seb and Alfie.

Question - Boys -why did you pile drive right into that tree?
Answer- seriously, you expected them to have an answer???

Waterfall just on the other side of camp.
A little mud never hurt anyone!

Kayla - the best firewood stacker in camp!

Three days in Cadomin

Kids loaded, quads loaded and more food than we'll be able to eat... Beautiful day for a drive out to the edge of the Rockies and three days of quading through the hills up past the treeline.
Ready to roll!

Such a great campsite - Dave, Greyson, Kayla, Chris, Teena, Seb, Alfie and me...two trailers, three quads and enough helmets and gear to make sure everyone has a blast.

Lots of room for the fire pit in the middle...who brought marshmallows?
Camp set up, time for a rum n coke!

Over looking the river - should be on a postcard!

Kids and dogs...everyone having fun
Skipping stones.

No explanation required!