Friday, July 21, 2017

Philippines judging and touring

Ekarat and I had a beautiful day - and some lovely dogs at the Cavite Canine Club
Shopping the next day. Fred took carol and me into Manila, to the casino where he does all of the interior landscaping. Amazing flower arrangements and displays
Government House
Alter in one of the oldest churches on the island
We ate at a great restaurant and ordered the Warriors Challenge - fabulous!
Amazing Camera Museum
Spectacular collection
Parlour room of the Royal residence
Stemware in the residence
Carol in one of the 'taxis' - you can fit 3- two inside and one behind the driver...crazy fun. We didn't get to ride in a cjeepney, but this was close
All of the handmade decorations were starting to be on display. This is a driftwood horse - stars are hanging behind - made of shell