Monday, March 23, 2015

A last day of sightseeing

A chance to start the day a little later, and with packing, etc, much appreciated to not rush at all.
Stanley and Juliet came to pick us up and took us to the Shangrila Hotel for High Tea on the Rose Veranda. A delightful experience in spectacular surroundings.
Orchids are everywhere
My lunch companions, Juliet, Christine,  Nicole, Stanley and Frank

Now this is a Coi pond!
Good-bye to the sunbather. Singapore was an amazing, but too short visit!

A day at the Dog Show

This Singapore Dog Show was being held along side of Pet Expo. So, a dog show, a cat show, all sorts of exhibits and booths. To say it was a busy venue would not be telling the story by half. 
The trophy table for my Show, not enough room in the frame for the whole table
There was only time for a few photos before my work day started in earnest and didn't stop until 9:00...a long day but much fun!

Friday, March 20, 2015

First day in Singapore

Breakfast with a view
Our first tour stop was to the oldest hotel in Singapore, Raffles, very British in influence. 
And what is more fitting for the birth place of the Sling, but a little bathtub gin!
By 11:00 is was already 30 and humid, beautiful, even though there was still a little cloud cover. Christine and Frank from Switzerland, and I are enjoyed a Singapore Sling from the restaurant on top of the Marina Bay Sands. Amazing observation deck.
The closest of the domes is the Flower Dome, the next one is laid out like a mountain forest, complete with cool mists.
The electric forest, what a view at night time when its all lit. All of the round tower like structures are lighted trees.
The Marina Bay Sands from a distance.
A quick stop to make a wish at the Merlion...
And on to one of the Chinese Temples.
God of the underworld...every culture has one!
This afternoon we will visit the Lucky Plaza, where Christine has found an amazing tailor shop...when in Singapore...!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Singapore in March

First stop, Vancouver...drizzly and cool, but then it's Vancouver!
However, the forecast for Singapore is sunny and 30, so a drizzly breakfast at the Premium Lounge won't daunt my spirits. A stop over in Hong Kong is next, after a movie and a clock resetting nap. Pix at the HK airport to follow.
Well, Hong Kong airport is vast, and of course, where the plane disembarked was a train ride and then a good long walk to the transfer gates that I needed. But the Plaza Lounge is right there, only up two more levels. Scotch never tasted so good!
The comfy couches are most welcome! I have a few hours to burn before the next leg of the trip to Singapore and after the 13+ hours flight, a few hours sitting soft will be most welcome. 
Singapore airport is beautiful, filled with art and plants, many of which are the countries #1 horticultural export, orchids! A couple of snaps taken while heading to the customs area.
Amazing French Bulldog sculpture-glazed mâché I would hazard a guess!
Arrival time was very late, so this is the only snap I took from the limo on the way to The Elizabeth...they drive on the Brit side of the road! This huge Ferris Wheel gives a wonderful view of the harbour. 
Now, to sleep in a very welcomed horizontal position!