Thursday, March 19, 2015

Singapore in March

First stop, Vancouver...drizzly and cool, but then it's Vancouver!
However, the forecast for Singapore is sunny and 30, so a drizzly breakfast at the Premium Lounge won't daunt my spirits. A stop over in Hong Kong is next, after a movie and a clock resetting nap. Pix at the HK airport to follow.
Well, Hong Kong airport is vast, and of course, where the plane disembarked was a train ride and then a good long walk to the transfer gates that I needed. But the Plaza Lounge is right there, only up two more levels. Scotch never tasted so good!
The comfy couches are most welcome! I have a few hours to burn before the next leg of the trip to Singapore and after the 13+ hours flight, a few hours sitting soft will be most welcome. 
Singapore airport is beautiful, filled with art and plants, many of which are the countries #1 horticultural export, orchids! A couple of snaps taken while heading to the customs area.
Amazing French Bulldog sculpture-glazed mâché I would hazard a guess!
Arrival time was very late, so this is the only snap I took from the limo on the way to The Elizabeth...they drive on the Brit side of the road! This huge Ferris Wheel gives a wonderful view of the harbour. 
Now, to sleep in a very welcomed horizontal position!

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