Monday, May 9, 2016

And then the storm blew in!

Show was all done and we spent a last night in Trois Pistoles and that night the wind started kicking! Rain turned to sleet and it was a blustery night. 
Dave and I were the only two who were still about and kicking, so it was supper for two.
Off to the Mont Joli airport the next morning and all is fine, oops, flight delay. Oooooopppppps, flights all cncelled. So off to a hotel close by and it's another night here in la Belle Province. 
Bleak, grey, windy and cold. 
But I went for a walk anyway. On the taxi ride over, I couldn't help but notice that this is an artists town, with galleries lined up along 'la Route des Arts' which is the Main Street...who could resist, and a little rain/sleet wasn't going to deter this Alberta girl!
The church on the Main Street...very old and lovely 
Even the sea side cabins have art decorating the yards!
A lonely stretch of sea front

At the first gallery of the 'walk', is the Centre d'Art Marcel Gagnon. He is the creator of a huge piece of installation art...with 100 sculptures 'walking' out of the sea...all unique and all fraught with emotion. 
The side view of the Gallery. 
A quick shot through the rain lashed window in the restaurant in the gallery where I warmed up with a cappuccino!

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