Thursday, June 9, 2016

Xuzhou Dog Show

Bright and fully carpeted rings
Trophy table and Show backdrop

Lin sitting at the trophy table
Beautiful bouquets for Baby Puppy, Puppy, and Best in Show
My Baby Puppy in Show winners
My Puppy in Show winners
My Best in Show winners
Another wonderful Show, organized and hosted by a wonderful group of people. Thank you once again to Santana, Carmen, Kevin and Richard for your amazing hospitality! 

Xuzhou -day 2 of site-seeing - History Museum

Started the day with a little shopping at one of the local malls. Always a good time.  
Then it was time for lunch at a delicious restaurant where we once again had an assortment of dishes to enjoy, and kumquat iced tea!
The 'gateway' to a local lake beach
The shoppers/site seers enjoying the sunshine - l-r - Kevin, Bente, me, Lin, Carol, Richard 
Xuzhou History Museum entrance
Our first visit was to the war room - weapons of destruction from centuries ago
Inlaid with turquoise type stone, this bronze spearhead would have belonged to an important member of the army
Helmets in front of a battle painting
Cannons of many sizes
Furniture inlaid with Mothe of Pearl - glitters like silver in the sunshine
Protective beasts 
And more fantastical beasts
My favorited I the whole museum were the drum dancers- clay/terracotta 

Some beautifully preserved pottery
Roof tiles
Gold belt buckle
Jade discs 
Emperor's Jade Burial Suit
Before it was re-assembled
It had been resting in his Jade Coffin

Dragon symbol - very common in this area

Xuzhou China - first day

Arrived fairly late last night, so straight to bed. It had been 30 hours with flights, lay overs etc. So bed was the first priority. 
Driving around today with our driver, Richard, and our amazing guide, Kevin, I have to say that Xuzhou is an absolutely beautiful and very clean city. It was overcast and rainy, well drizzly today, but that didn't stop us. 
Xuzhou Yunlong Lake - Cloud Dragon Lake
This is the 'in water corridor' - part of the pathway started to sink so they put up these aquarium walls and you can walk out into the lake which is filled with colourful carp
Maribel, Milo and me sitting by the lake
Poem Park
Poems written by and/or to the Emperors line the walkway into Poem Park
Kevin explaining who some of the Emperors are and what their poems are saying
My fav... a Warrior Poet
This huge ceremonial drum is inscribed with the symbol for 'poem'
Pillars all have poems inscribed on them 
One of the corner pieces - a tiger
This motif is very popular in China ... It is dragon claws
Taoist Holy Man on Pearl Mountain
Peeking thru the trees
Got up close n personal with the Tao Holy Man and then it was time for lunch, after which we toured the stone carving museum....amazing!
Drum Dancers

I took dozens more as these carvings that are thousands of years old fascinate me. 
Stopped by the market and picked up some cherries and mangosteen fruit