Thursday, June 9, 2016

Xuzhou -day 2 of site-seeing - History Museum

Started the day with a little shopping at one of the local malls. Always a good time.  
Then it was time for lunch at a delicious restaurant where we once again had an assortment of dishes to enjoy, and kumquat iced tea!
The 'gateway' to a local lake beach
The shoppers/site seers enjoying the sunshine - l-r - Kevin, Bente, me, Lin, Carol, Richard 
Xuzhou History Museum entrance
Our first visit was to the war room - weapons of destruction from centuries ago
Inlaid with turquoise type stone, this bronze spearhead would have belonged to an important member of the army
Helmets in front of a battle painting
Cannons of many sizes
Furniture inlaid with Mothe of Pearl - glitters like silver in the sunshine
Protective beasts 
And more fantastical beasts
My favorited I the whole museum were the drum dancers- clay/terracotta 

Some beautifully preserved pottery
Roof tiles
Gold belt buckle
Jade discs 
Emperor's Jade Burial Suit
Before it was re-assembled
It had been resting in his Jade Coffin

Dragon symbol - very common in this area

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