Saturday, October 21, 2017

A one-day stop-over in Singapore on the way home

If you ever get the chance to spend a little time in Singapore- take advantage of the opportunity!!!
Courtyard outside my room. 
A quick taxi ride to get to the Arts District and then a lovely - warm n humid - walk about
Galleries are housed in these amazing buildings!
What a great way to use older buildings, in a way that everyone can see them and enjoy them!
Architecture is a true competition here. 
National Gallery - can hardly wait!
The keynote exhibit at the time
Go big, go bright or don't bother...I think that was her motto. 
In the Wish Room - I wrote Cyan, Kayla, Greyson and Quinten on my wish ribbon and tied it onto the web
One small corner of the Wish Room 
A quick nosh at the Gallery - and it was amazing! Red and Golden Beets with radish, hazelnut crumble, goat cheese and balsamic reduction!!!
The Performing Arts Complex
Along the waterfront
Long view of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and the Science Centre
The crazy wild bridge that you get to walk on and enjoy as you go 
Marina Bay Sands with the observation deck at the top. I was up there last time in Singapore, so decided to visit the shopping gallery instead. 
Closer shot of the Science Centre - that is a full sized event tent in the lower left - to give you a sense of scale. 
Marina Bay Sands shopping mall - well about a 10th of it - huge and on three levels! 
A cool liquor and novelty shop - the Boston Terrier walking stick was only about $850!
And you can't be in Singapore and not have a traditional Chicken and Rice with 3 Sauces lunch!
Singapore's Big Eye
This is what all airports should look like- truly one of the lovely airports in the world. 

Still loving Indonesia...

Breakfast by the pool and ready to head to the Show. 
A great and fully carpeted area for the rings. 
Bill and Tommy in traditional head gear. 
A pix back as we head to the airport. And a shot of a few of the ubiquitous scooters. 


Along with a beautiful and varied and plentiful buffet breakfast, you can have one of the lovely hostesses fashion you a traditional breakfast plate...
So delishious!
Then off for a morning stroll. The first day was my day to just relax from the flight...but walking IS relaxing! The light posts are all decorated with a Bengal Tiger
Time for a coffee...
Walking down the magnificent and famous Braga Street
International market area
Another marketplace - complete with statuary in the most amazing places - Sonja (Cypress) and Katrina (Russia)
Indonesian embroidered wall hanging. 
Off to a wooden covered performance tent for music and dancing displays!
Many young people are involved and what a wonderful way to keep them in touch with their culture. 
Fabulous dancers and traditional dances
Denise and Bill (Australia) holding Indonesian bamboo musical instruments   Each plays a different note and we all got to participate in several musical numbers. 
Tommy, our magnificent host, played along with us as well. 
Supper at a rooftop restaurant at one of the most amazing hotels you could ever visit!