Saturday, October 21, 2017


Along with a beautiful and varied and plentiful buffet breakfast, you can have one of the lovely hostesses fashion you a traditional breakfast plate...
So delishious!
Then off for a morning stroll. The first day was my day to just relax from the flight...but walking IS relaxing! The light posts are all decorated with a Bengal Tiger
Time for a coffee...
Walking down the magnificent and famous Braga Street
International market area
Another marketplace - complete with statuary in the most amazing places - Sonja (Cypress) and Katrina (Russia)
Indonesian embroidered wall hanging. 
Off to a wooden covered performance tent for music and dancing displays!
Many young people are involved and what a wonderful way to keep them in touch with their culture. 
Fabulous dancers and traditional dances
Denise and Bill (Australia) holding Indonesian bamboo musical instruments   Each plays a different note and we all got to participate in several musical numbers. 
Tommy, our magnificent host, played along with us as well. 
Supper at a rooftop restaurant at one of the most amazing hotels you could ever visit!

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