Thursday, July 10, 2014

Monday - a thrill a minute

Sunday - Dog Show day and had a great time. Saw some lovely dogs and awarded Best In Show to a Labrador Retriever.
And then it was on to more sight-seeing in beautiful Newfoundland.
The lighthouse on the most easterly point of Canada
Me at the lighthouse - so you all don't think I just paste internet pics!
A Newfoundland original - Fish and Chips with Dressing and Gravy! 
Wendy, Richard and me - Rockin' our survival or what! We took the whale watching tour in a Zodiac and it was absolutely thrilling
There are 22 types of whales to be found in and around Newfoundland waters and while We saw quite a few whales, even a few families of three swimming together, we only saw two types - Fin (the second biggest whale) and Humpback. First we saw a couple of Fins but as soon as they flashed their tails, they dove deep and disappeared. Then we found two different families of Humpbacks and they were much more willing to flash their tails a couple of times.
Sometimes when they breech, they just spray and then roll their body up out of the water, but a few times they got high enough to flip us their tails!
And then we zipped across to Gull Island and did a little bird watching...lots of different types of gulls, and the provincial bird...the Puffin!
Can you spot the Puffin trying to get up off the water?
The island is a protected sanctuary and unless it is for scientific reasons, no one is allowed to step foot on.
Monday night - Wendy and Richard hosted us to a Lobster FEAST! Delicious doesn't begin to describe!

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