Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tuesday - Wendy's birthday

My last full day in St. John's so we had to make the most of it! Richard made breakfast (after was Wendy's Day) and then we drove around to a few city spots.
Walked up and down and up again on The Battery - Middle and Upper Battery for a spectacular view of the mouth of the harbour.
View inwards
One of the murals on the retaining walls
A pretty narrow entry, but the cruise ships make it!
During WWII, Newfoundland's ports and shorelines were VERY well protected - steel netting kept U-boats out, not to mention LOTS of mounted guns. Most of them are gone and there are only the platforms left...but this one is still standing on guard! Interesting "Spin Them Guns Around" mechanism.
The amazing St John's basilica.
Before heading back for birthday festivities, we also did a flash-tour through The Rooms - St. John's new art gallery and museum - a fantastic building and impressive collections. The gallery was featuring a Rockwell Kent exhibit at the time, which was something to see. There was even a first edition Moby Dick on display - Kent did the original illustrations for the book.
And then it was Happy Birthday Wendy was great to be there and to be part of it all!

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