Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Degas rules!

The NGV, National Gallery of Victoria. 
Dorota, me and Anca with Rita taking the pix of us at the entrance...Degas here we come!
Shall we start with a few well known early pieces...
Granddaddy Hilaire Degas
So many of Degas' ballerina paintings on display, and each of them breathtaking. 
Ballerina adjusting a strap. 
Dancer with Bouquets - and me in the foreground!
Group of Dancers (red skirts)
Nude Woman Drying Herself - and me mimicking the pose. 
Anca and me with A Degas Ballerina
Absinthe Drinkers. 
The Interior. 
Henri Rouart and his daughter!  
Portrait of a Woman
Bye Degas...see you again, soon I hope!
Time for some lunch...a riverside restaurant...and a view!
Along the river. 

Graffiti Lane...
Crazy stuff.
An artist at work.
St Patrick's Cathedral. 
First look inside was a glorious wash of sunlight streaming thru the golden glass windows...what an effect!
One of the several stained glass windows. 
Fountain in the gardens
The fountain leading to the gardens.

Touring around Melbourne, Lillydale and Healesville areas

First stop...the Chandon Estate...lots of bubbling wine and a little still. 
A small section of the Chandon vineyards
A quick pix on the deck - Anca, me, Dorota, David, Susan, Grant, Judi and Rita - what a day!
Another quick stop at a small picnic area where the birds rule the trees. 
Off to the Healesville Sanctuary. Judi playing perch to one of the black cockatoos.
Pretty plumage is the name of the game in the Land of Parrots.
Stopped to say hi to a few Kangas. 
A Koala enjoying a feast of tender leaves 
Tarrawarra Vineyards was our last stop of the day, and what a beautiful way to end an amazing day! Spectacular building, grounds and view!
The artfully presented entrance to the Tarrawarra cellars!
Grant and Susan and a view of the scenic long valley. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Samoyed Club of Victoria's 70th Championship Show

The Specialty was held at another Melbourne Dog Show Facility, the Bulla Exhibition Centre which featured immaculate grounds and an indoor specialty facility that was large, roomy and well floored - great traction for the dogs!
A longer shot of some of the outdoor rings. 
The draw prize - bought tickets, but sadly my ticket was not the one drawn...boo hoo.
Now that's a trophy table!
I don't think I have ever seen BISS and RBISS ribbons that compare!!!
The rosette part of the big ribbon.
The RBISS ribbon.
The amazing Russel who worked with me one day at Lullydale and was the Steward of the day for Judi.
Judi taking a good look at one of her class lineups. 
Judi Elford awarding the Best Breeder Award to Faye. 
A quick hug from Russel. 
Great long-time friends, Lorraine and Ron Addison - we have corresponded for years and years and finally got to meet each other this weekend!

Lillydale - day 2

Judges at the Lillydale Show - Grant Townsend, me, Rita Walker, Judi Elford, Susan Norris-Jones all from Canada, Dorota Witkowska from Poland, Anca Guira from Romania, and Max Morris our Show Manager. Missing from the photo are Andrew Jones from Australia and Virginia Latham-Smith from USA. 
Part of the BIS lineup - and a view of one tiny corner of the amazing building that was especially built for dog shows.
Grant Townsend awarded BIS to an absolutely lovely Maltese.
My Utility Group winner - a Black Russian Terrier.
The Maltese taking a wee victory lap.