Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Degas rules!

The NGV, National Gallery of Victoria. 
Dorota, me and Anca with Rita taking the pix of us at the entrance...Degas here we come!
Shall we start with a few well known early pieces...
Granddaddy Hilaire Degas
So many of Degas' ballerina paintings on display, and each of them breathtaking. 
Ballerina adjusting a strap. 
Dancer with Bouquets - and me in the foreground!
Group of Dancers (red skirts)
Nude Woman Drying Herself - and me mimicking the pose. 
Anca and me with A Degas Ballerina
Absinthe Drinkers. 
The Interior. 
Henri Rouart and his daughter!  
Portrait of a Woman
Bye Degas...see you again, soon I hope!
Time for some lunch...a riverside restaurant...and a view!
Along the river. 

Graffiti Lane...
Crazy stuff.
An artist at work.
St Patrick's Cathedral. 
First look inside was a glorious wash of sunlight streaming thru the golden glass windows...what an effect!
One of the several stained glass windows. 
Fountain in the gardens
The fountain leading to the gardens.

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