Thursday, August 11, 2016

Melbourne - such a treasure!

Train station on Flinders Street - a Main Street which is right at the heart of...well, everything!
Side view of this amazingly beautiful station building.
Right across the street is Fed Square! Federation Square is teaming with so much activity...museums, info centre, souvenir shops, and restaurants. 
And on the other corner is St. Paul's Cathedral - so beautiful, what an exterior

Main entrance tower

Amazing stained glass graces every wall and high window space

Very impressive mosaic at the high alter...not quite Venice, but ve-nice!
Dorota Witkowska from Poland, and Anca Giura from Romania, feed the sea gulls some extra pita bread from lunch
Wonderful little bar on the water front where we had lunch
We hopped on the City Centre trolley that does a circle of the main city centre area. Not great for photo really need to hop off to get good shots, but this pix of Victoria Harbour was too good not to snap. 
Tomorrow is the first day of the Show, Friday - then the Saturday Show and we will then have a few days to meander about Melbourne and really see some of the sites. 

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