Saturday, December 2, 2017

Taiwan - first full day

After a bit of a lazy morning, we all went for lunch before a bit of touring
Delicious and plentiful!
The next few pictures were taken at Xiawulai Scenic Resort - amazing waterfalls and vistas!

A roadside veggie and fruit market - can you say fresh?
Chae with her fav - mango...we enjoyed a lot of mango while we were there!
THE Bee Man - we stopped in his shop and tried a few different honeys. I brought home a bottle of flower good!
Checking in to the hotel at the city where the Show is being held...very lively
Lobby art...
Supper with the judges amd a chance to meet the stewards. 
They must have known my favs!

A dip in the spectacular pool befor sleep - gotta do something to wear off part of the 16 dishes we enjoyed!

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