Saturday, December 2, 2017

The a Show Hall and Grooming Judging

Ready for the grooming competition! 236 entered in total
Grooming prizes 
Beautifully presented as is everything! 
Checking uniformity of coat length and scissor inn ability
Nervous students and decennial judges!
Chang Tai Shan Monastery
The boutique we will visit later
Grounds surrounding the monastery 

Giant warrior statues - which all face all four directions - grade the temple

One of the Buddahs 
And another one
A Cypress log
And another priest/prophet
A golden guardian and one of the big guys in the background
Ceremonial Tea Setting
A quick stop for some mango ice cream and fresh mango - Chae and I should have shared one!
Our first view of Sun Moon Lake
Ci'en Pagoda and the Xuanizang Temple at the Sun Moon Lake
Wish bells leading to Plum Lotus Garden

Back to the Show building - which is shaped like a Samuri helmet!
Down to the final judging of the Master Class - the 236 entered were divided into 4 classes 'A' - 'B' - C' and Master Class

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