Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thru the Mountain Passes

After a mid-morning start, Christian and I arrived in Jasper at about 3:30. 
The view from the balcony...Jasper Park Lodge.

Time for a little walk, to stretch out the legs after the 4 hour drive.

Elk in the background.  A young buck...the 'big boy' was on the other side of the complex.

The lake at JPL, worth a few photos.

The morning sunshine kissing the mountain tops. Big blue sky today!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Third day's a charm! Or not!

Except that everyone wished there were another five days - the day was terrific. About a 7:30 start, coffee for the big people - all those under the age of majority were still sound asleep - and Dave, Teena and Chris were off once again for what was to be a faster rip n ride. Or not!
Just a wee bit stuck...thank goodness for winches!
How do you get half of the creek out of your machine? By the way...Quads don't float...

In the meantime back at the camp, shorter stumps were rustling!
As we're the older chil'in'.
After a 3 hour ride that took over 6...well then it was time to pack up, load up and start driving for home. 
Next time'll be for at least 5 days, otherwise there's not nearly enough time! 

Day two - off n quadin'

First order of business...breakfast -sausage, bacon, eggs, toast and coffee (and you know how I feel about my morning coffee)! Everything tastes so much better in the mountain air!
Gorgeous day for back country riding. First out, Dave and Greyson - Teena and Kayla - Seb and Alfie.

Question - Boys -why did you pile drive right into that tree?
Answer- seriously, you expected them to have an answer???

Waterfall just on the other side of camp.
A little mud never hurt anyone!

Kayla - the best firewood stacker in camp!

Three days in Cadomin

Kids loaded, quads loaded and more food than we'll be able to eat... Beautiful day for a drive out to the edge of the Rockies and three days of quading through the hills up past the treeline.
Ready to roll!

Such a great campsite - Dave, Greyson, Kayla, Chris, Teena, Seb, Alfie and me...two trailers, three quads and enough helmets and gear to make sure everyone has a blast.

Lots of room for the fire pit in the middle...who brought marshmallows?
Camp set up, time for a rum n coke!

Over looking the river - should be on a postcard!

Kids and dogs...everyone having fun
Skipping stones.

No explanation required!

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1 - street walkers in Paris

Well, walkers of the street, that would be us!
We arrived in Paris at about 2:30, popped to the hotel and dropped the packs and headed into The City! The metro, which is so easy and efficient, got us to the St Michel/Notre-Dame station where we decided to climb the stairs to the beautiful sunshine and enjoy some of the day. We walked the Rive Gauche (Left Bank) past some of my favourite landmarks, buildings and monuments.
Zipped to the lower walkway so we could stroll right beside the Seine
Ahhhh Paris
The bridge where newly weds and other lovers snap on a lock together and toss the key in the river...unbreakable bond is the desired outcome...this is only a few of the sections of the bridge...all the sections were equally adorned
The Institut de France...which is home to the Academie des beaux-arts, the Academie peinture et de sculpture and a few still my beating heart
My fav bridge, Pont Alexandre III that leads to the Grand Palais (the amazing glass roofed structure)
Our ultimate destination, the Chez Francis restaurant...this is the view from the outside tables. The meal was delicious, the service a little slow...but then that only means you have more time to soak up the Parisian atmosphere.

Our flight home tomorrow is at 11:00, so only a very short stop in the City of Lights.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30 - coachin' it to Finisterre

Small change today, Barb's done...needs a day to herself to just be, rest, shop, contemplate. So, Stephanie and Marie have graciously let me tag along with them on the bus trip to Finisterre. There are some pretty sights, but I know why Emilio picked Muxia for the movie...there are no big sweeping vistas with sea beaten is a fishing village, and charming, but not at all what I was expecting...what was I expecting? Not really sure, but I know this wasn't it. We did get to see the countryside, and not have to walk it, so that was good.
A few pix, just to give an idea of the place.
The small beach
On the point is the Castillo de San Carlos
The Castillo wasn't open, but I got this shot of the courtyard - a great viewpoint 
Commemorating the 500 anniversary of Columbus' 1492 voyage to the new world
It's a seafaring town
That's the big beach across the bay

If you ever decide to visit Finisterre, get off the bus one stop before the end...that's where the big beach, a Sunday street market and fun can be had. 
Or 4 stops before...taken from the double-decker bus

Meanwhile, back in Santiago, Barb bumped into a few friends we've not seen for a while...Karali for one, Becky and Steve who had to fly home today, and a great surprises... Egbert (from Switzerland) and his wonderful dog Luna arrived today. A few pix were taken on the other camera, so will have to post them once we are home.
We taxi to the airport at 9:30 tomorrow morning and it's off to Paris for a day before the flight home. Such a trip, such memories and so many wonderful new friends! 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday, June 29 - 712 km must not have been enough

What does the average pilgrim do on the day after a 712 km march...walk around the city of Santiago, of course. And what a day...Saturday is market day, and the booths and stores are all open for business...Barb and I most definitely lent a helping hand to the Spanish economic situation!
See the window balcony on the top floor on the left hand corner? That's our room. Did we mention yesterday that our window overlooks bar street? The parties were still raging at 3:00 in the morning...and it wasn't until after that when we could open our window for a little cool night air in the room...the noise was just that loud...happy pilgrims. We did a good job, staying up and celebrating, but we're in bed way before 3:00.
Market day and the stalls line blocks and blocks, just too much fun
Then it was time to go and watch the launch of the bonte fumaria ... another tradition that isn't to be missed...just like in the movie, but Emilio wasn't on one of the knotted ropes.
Barb, Klaus and me

Coming back from a little more shopping and walking, who do we bump into but Klaus from Germany who we first met at the little albergue in San Bol...he is doing a video-clip production of all the pilgrims he meets, and we are in there about 2.5 weeks ago. He has promised to send us a link to the finished product. Just a sweetie!
Tonight, the word is spreading to meet in the main square at 6:00ish for a big get together supper. Everyone who sees anyone they know, have walked with, met on the road are to mention it, so we'll see what kind of a party we can pull together for what is several of our friends' last night in Santiago.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 28 - a short, but very long to Santiago

Our last walking day, and we knew that we had less than 20 km to go, so we slept in and extra half hour...til 5:30, but either we were more anxious than we were letting on, or we are getting really good at getting sorted and putting our packs together in the morning, cause it was only just after 6:00 when we started off.
We've been meaning to comment on the eucalyptus forests we've been walking through for the last 3 days...high high shade and such clean fresh air!
Just one of the snaps we took of the eucalyptus trees we've walked through for days

The first coffee, delicious and accompanied by a chocolate stuffed croissant, came at Amenal, only about 5 km from Arca. Almost felt like we hadn't worked hard enough for it...but we stopped anyway!
Another 9.5 km later and we stopped for our last fresh squeezed o.j on the path

Just a km later and we were on the Monte do Gozo, the hill were the very modern statue is snaps, but they are on the camera and not the iPad. Light was just right, so the photo is the envy! Will post it here after we get home...

On to Santiago and it's quite the walk through the city, but, when you hit the square, the overwhelming ornate-ness of the entire structure is awe-inspiring. Since we couldn't check in until 2:00, there was just enough time for a reviving glass of wine for me and coke for Barb.
My dusty boots up on a chair, cause they couldn't stand even the thought of more 'road' under them until a glass of wine had been enjoyed. That's the back part of the cathedral in the background

2:00 and first things first...time to meet the buds in the main cathedral square...
Becky, Steve, Lee Anne, Stephanie, Barb, Marie and Anne...we did it!

Time to check in, take off the boots and shower!

Two views from our balcony...we 'done good' when we booked this hotel
That's the cathedral spires in the background...close, very close!

Give us all til 4:00, and it was meet up for drinks and tapas time...
Stephanie, Marie and Ewan (from Wales) ...some of the greatest young peeps we've met
Steve and Becky...salt o'the earth, top of the trees and Pink of the Ton!

After a wonderful supper, and waffles with thick cream and chocolate drizzle for dessert, it was time to head for the hotel...habits die hard, and at about 9:00 we all start turning into pumpkins!
Plans for the next couple of days are...tomorrow - shopping and an artisans market (how many wonderful things can possible fall right into our laps?), Sunday - watch the big fumaria swing from the cathedral ceiling and then bus it out to Finisterre to see where Columbus set sail in 1492.
The days will no doubt fly by in a whirlwind of wow!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 27 - we went through the bedroom window!

And no it's not a bad take on an old Beatles song...we had told Raul that we get up at 5:00 and are out the door before 6:00, but when we were all ready to head to the path, we found the front door was locked tight...we went to the dinning room, which had patio doors...nope, locked as well...fortunately, we were on the ground floor, cause that's how we exited the beautiful Casa...climbed out the bedroom window. It was good that we had paid the bill the night before, or they would have thought we were skipping.
Off we went, and it was only about 5.5 km to Arzua, and the first bar/cafe we see is we go and who's sitting there just finishing up their coffee and breakfast...Becky and Steve. 
Becky and Steve from Essex - great peeps and now great friends

We were delighted to stop in Arzua as it is famous for its creamy and velvety cheese...breakfast of coffee, toast and a plateful of cheese was definitely called for!
Tummies full, we were off again, this time 8 km to Calle...pit stop and fresh squeezed o.j, perfect...and who walks by, Karali from Perth, Australia.
Karali in a Canadian sandwich

And it was on again...destination Santa Irene. When we got into town, we starting to get a touch desperate as the first 4 Pensions were 'completa' and, frantic as we were becoming, we tried an albergue, it had only one bed left...since we weren't going to flip for it, we trudged on. Rounding a corner, on the hunt for the municipal albergue, which we were assured was so big it couldn't possibly be full (great, just our kind of place ... not!) we happened to spot a sign for yet another Pension...on the off-chance, we popped in and asked...they had 2 rooms left...we only needed one, and we grabbed it up! There are three beds in the room, and it's spacious with couch, chairs, t.v. and big once again, a happy little accident!
After dumping the packs, grabbing a shower and changing into the evening togs, we walk out and find Becky and Steve who just happen to be staying at the same Pension. After a very deserved glass of vino, the conversation gets around to, "thought you two were staying in Santa Irene?" To which I answer, "we are, this is Santa Irene!" And then Steve enlightens us that, no, we blew past S.I about 3 km back...who knew...not us, obviously. So another bonus...we are in Arca and now only 17.5km from Santiago. Tomorrow...well, let's say there will be may more pix!