Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 28 - a short, but very long to Santiago

Our last walking day, and we knew that we had less than 20 km to go, so we slept in and extra half hour...til 5:30, but either we were more anxious than we were letting on, or we are getting really good at getting sorted and putting our packs together in the morning, cause it was only just after 6:00 when we started off.
We've been meaning to comment on the eucalyptus forests we've been walking through for the last 3 days...high high shade and such clean fresh air!
Just one of the snaps we took of the eucalyptus trees we've walked through for days

The first coffee, delicious and accompanied by a chocolate stuffed croissant, came at Amenal, only about 5 km from Arca. Almost felt like we hadn't worked hard enough for it...but we stopped anyway!
Another 9.5 km later and we stopped for our last fresh squeezed o.j on the path

Just a km later and we were on the Monte do Gozo, the hill were the very modern statue is snaps, but they are on the camera and not the iPad. Light was just right, so the photo is the envy! Will post it here after we get home...

On to Santiago and it's quite the walk through the city, but, when you hit the square, the overwhelming ornate-ness of the entire structure is awe-inspiring. Since we couldn't check in until 2:00, there was just enough time for a reviving glass of wine for me and coke for Barb.
My dusty boots up on a chair, cause they couldn't stand even the thought of more 'road' under them until a glass of wine had been enjoyed. That's the back part of the cathedral in the background

2:00 and first things first...time to meet the buds in the main cathedral square...
Becky, Steve, Lee Anne, Stephanie, Barb, Marie and Anne...we did it!

Time to check in, take off the boots and shower!

Two views from our balcony...we 'done good' when we booked this hotel
That's the cathedral spires in the background...close, very close!

Give us all til 4:00, and it was meet up for drinks and tapas time...
Stephanie, Marie and Ewan (from Wales) ...some of the greatest young peeps we've met
Steve and Becky...salt o'the earth, top of the trees and Pink of the Ton!

After a wonderful supper, and waffles with thick cream and chocolate drizzle for dessert, it was time to head for the hotel...habits die hard, and at about 9:00 we all start turning into pumpkins!
Plans for the next couple of days are...tomorrow - shopping and an artisans market (how many wonderful things can possible fall right into our laps?), Sunday - watch the big fumaria swing from the cathedral ceiling and then bus it out to Finisterre to see where Columbus set sail in 1492.
The days will no doubt fly by in a whirlwind of wow!


  1. Congrats to you both, you are inspiring!

  2. OMG, just got back from my weekend away and I'm catching up on your journey. I am so happy for you both!! Congratulations!!! What an amazing accomplishment!!
