Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 13 - to Reliegos

Yesterday was a 19.5 km we clocked 26 km. Because of the heat and blazing sun on the meseta, we thought we'd be very clever and get a jump on the sun. We were up at 4:00 and walking by 4:40. We had to back track out of town slightly, to pick up the trail. I had wanted to walk in the starlight, and this morning didn't disappoint. Clear dark skies full of stars and the Milky Way stretching across the sky. We turned off our headlamps to just gaze around a bit. Tried to take a blog pix, but the iPad didn't pick anything up. You'll have to trust us that it was breathtaking.
The stretch we faced today, had only three town/city stops on it. And, of course, because we set out so early, when we passed through Bercianos del Real Camino after 6 km, the bar wasn't yet open, so it was another 7 km to El Burgos Ranero and our first coffee. It did mean that we had walked half our day before that cup of coffee, but that was little consolation for our caffeine starved minds!
The meseta is flat and more flat, but the day was much cooler than yesterday

The next 13 km into Reliegos is long and there is only a scattering of picnic tables along the way that provide any respite at all. We had packed bananas and an apple for Barb and a pear for me, and our much loved butter cake along in our packs, so we didn't go hungry. Along the way, we met up again with Pasquale and Marlone, two more Italian fellas who kept us company on the trail a few days back. It's odd how paths weave and cross along the trail. 
Just before our destination, our British coffee mates from yesterday morning rode by, and turned around and rode back to us to grab a pix chat for a moment and say farewell - they will be in Santiago days and days before us, so we know that this farewell is the last one among us this trip.

It was blessedly cool today and overcast, so that made the day bearable, but we were exhausted by the time we strode up to the first albergue in Reliegos. Got to say, we made the right choice, brand new albergue, all the beds on the floor, so no top bunk, and only 6 in a room, lots of hot water in the shower and a washing machine that doesn't even need coins! 
The beautiful and brand spankin' new albergue - a just reward for the long walk today

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