Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 20 - and Villafranca del Bierzo

A wonderful day for walking...clear skies, slight breeze and, after an extra half hour sleep in the hotel  room! Well...perfection!
Walking by vineyards at 7:30 in the morning...pinch us!

Planning is one thing, but when we'd hit Cacabelos, our original destination, it was only 11:00 and we couldn't believe we'd walked 20km, we ordered our egg n patata pie (a mid-morning treat that we've come to love almost as much as the 8:00ish coffee) and had a discussion.
The bar we stopped at in Cacabelos
Just too cute!

We decided to push on the next 8 km to the absolutely gorgeous little town of Villafranca del Bierzo.
Yes...that was us who clicked off 28 km like we've been doing it for, oh let's say 20 days now...grin!
This is the view from our deck.
More castles...

On the whole, it's hard work on the camino, satisfying, but tough...though, we aren't completely roughing it. Last night we ate like royalty, white table cloths, linen napkins, and tonight, surprise, surprise, a little gem of a restaurant with amazing food, great wine, and linen napkins, too! 

Roughing it never tasted so good.

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