Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 16 - to Astorga

On the meseta, the mountains on our right were far far in the distance, but as we walked they started coming closer. The range is now beautifully visible, and has wrapped around so that we have mountains not only to our right, but ahead of us as well. What this means; however, is that we have rolling hills for the next couple of days and then the climbs and descents get meaner and mountain-like!
They're everywhere...they're everywhere!

We stopped for a coffee, o.j and our daily tortilla at the nicest little bar in San Martin del Camino
Then it was on to Hospital de Orbigo and the most impressive bridge yet!
There are 20 arches to this bridge - lovingly called El Paso Honroso (Honorable Pass) complete with a legend of an Honorable Knight!
From Hospital de Orbigo, 11km to Astorga, where Gaudi's magnificent bishop's palace is located right next to the solid and yet artfully designed cathedral.
From the albergue where we are staying tonight, this is the view from one street over...
Astorga cathedral
Gaudi's creation
Unfortunately, this is Sunday so the cathedral and the Gaudi museum and palace were only open until 2:00...heck we didn't even have our boots off yet! Ah well, something to see when next we return. Barb says she'd love to do the camino CAR!

Me (yes it's me) sitting at a table at the Gaudi Hotel bar and that's the Gaudi palace across the street
Tonight, we are doing tapas for supper, found a great little place and the nibblies are great! 

1 comment:

  1. Well, it sort of looks like you! Especially with a nice glass of wine!
