Friday, June 7, 2013

Dat 7 - to Villambistia

Got a great start today, walking just before 6:00. The rain yesterday afternoon left parts of the trail a bit muddy, but Spain smiled on us again today, and there was no rain while we walked. As we left town, we passed the 555 km to Santiago mark - almost there, hahahahahahahahaha! Que maniacal laughter.
The skies were overcast all day, however, it made for the most pleasant walking, not too hot and yet warm enough that we were both peeled down to our t-shirts before 9:30. 

Storks nests on top of the bell tower - Belorado

The town square where we had our snack - those are our packs by the table

Belorado was a gorgeous town, sporting a very nice albergue, but it was only at km 16, so, after the best potato pie we've had so far (call it our mid-morning snack) and a really good cup of coffee (Chris n Stacey, you'd be impressed) on to Tosantos. But, once again, there were only tumbling mats on the floor, so we opted to hoof it another easy 2 km and rolled into Villambistia shortly after 1:00. 

On this last leg of today's walk, a very sweet young man from the Isle of Mann passed us on a bridge. he slowed down for a moment to chat, before stretching his LONG legs and striding off at an enviable pace ( not fair at all).

This beautiful ruin welcomed us to our day's stop

I have to say that Spain is a plein aire painter's dream. Set up an easel anywhere and scenic beauty will hit you full force!

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