Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 25 - to Palas de Rie

Well, all of the books, Internet columns, etc., said that when you pass Sarria, the camino gets more congested. We were hoping that we were still a week ahead of the summer crunch, and who knows, perhaps we are. 
However, as Sarria is 112 km from Santiago, and the last start point you can take and still qualify for your certificate, the night after Sarria is, dare I say it, littered with first nighters. Now, good on them for undertaking the walk at all, but the pilgrims we met today, those we've shared the path with for the last 3 weeks had the same thing to say...the first nighters really have no idea how to unpack efficiently, repack quietly, use their space (and not everyone else's) and that turning on your halogen light when you come in and everyone else is already sleeping is just not done! Ah well, as we walked on today, and knew that we'd be stepping into our destination town well ahead of the masses, we just smiled. Steve and Becky from Essex, England, had the same idea as us...no albergues tonight...a pension or a hotel!
Barb and I have already booked into a pension...2 beds, our own bathroom AND a tub...hip tub that it is, soaking our feet is a treat.
So the day...yet again, view after view that just makes you feel so glad to be here.
Beautiful, lovely...should be on a postcard!
Part of the trail today, a skinny bit of space between a rock wall and a green wall...had to snap a pix once we'd made it through.

Not a lot of pix today...just know that we are still loving every minute of it!

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