Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 8 -haven't seen you in Ages!

It may look like it was only 22km to Ages today, but 12 of them were the most challenging we've done so far.
Up early this morning and hoofing it by just after 5:30, so still nothing open at the first village, but we were prepared, with a bottle of carrot/o.j juice each and a butter cake to share. Another 4 km to the next place and still no bar open for another 20 min or so. We opted to go into the rather posh hotel (a few other brave packers had already 'stormed the Bastille'). At 6 E each for breakfast, it was about double  what we are getting used to splurging on our morning repast - ah well, worth it.
See that little stripe of path in the distance? This is just one of the up/downs we enjoyed today!!!

Did we mention that we had huge thunderstorms last night? No, well crack and flash - that was our night! We now faced 12 km of the most severe ups and drastic downs so far,and on the few flat spots, well, the rain left a haphazardly crafted game of dodge-a-puddle...navigated sometimes successfully and sometimes not so much.

Just before San Juan de Ortega, we had to stop and put on the rain gear for the first time. It had been cloudy and the wind was a tetch more than bracing the whole morning, but the rain had held off until just about 10 min before we reached the town. 

The final 4 into Ages was uneventful, but we were already spent, so very happy to see the town come into view. Very nice albergue, and a very well stocked bar/cafe...potate/egg/tortillas,YUM!

1 comment:

  1. One foot in front of the other... your training is paying off!

