Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 23 - through Sarria to Barbadelo

With a name like Barbadelo, well..we HAD to stay here. And it was another great decision, the albergue here is beautiful.
But first...the day's journey. Lillian and Eric were such wonderful volunteer hosts, they made us feel right at home last night. At 6:40, we were off and it would be a morning of ups, a few nice flats and scenery that was totally overwhelming...through dense trees then opening up into wide rolling vistas. But, it was 7 km to coffee. Ah well, it likely tasted even better because we were anticipating it so.
 A beautiful fountain, take a rest and picnic spot. No coffee however!
Before coffee even, we passed the 125 km marker

Just after Furela, there's a little town called Pintin where we once again ran into Marie and Stephanie, two sweet young girls from the U.S. who we've hopscotched along the trail with since Rabanal. We may get up a little earlier and get a jump on the trail, but their young legs overtake us before too long.
Stephanie, Barb, Marie and me

Then it was through Sarria, grab a stamp at a bar and keep going. It's a festival Sunday and the streets were already teeming, and the night promised to be louder than we've become used to. By the way, out of Sarria, it's straight UP yet again. But we pushed the 5 km and, much to our delight, stopped at one of the nicest albergues yet! Ahhhhh, showers and beds and a chance to take off the pack and the boots for at least 15 hours!!!!
Our home for the night


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