Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 27 - we went through the bedroom window!

And no it's not a bad take on an old Beatles song...we had told Raul that we get up at 5:00 and are out the door before 6:00, but when we were all ready to head to the path, we found the front door was locked tight...we went to the dinning room, which had patio doors...nope, locked as well...fortunately, we were on the ground floor, cause that's how we exited the beautiful Casa...climbed out the bedroom window. It was good that we had paid the bill the night before, or they would have thought we were skipping.
Off we went, and it was only about 5.5 km to Arzua, and the first bar/cafe we see is we go and who's sitting there just finishing up their coffee and breakfast...Becky and Steve. 
Becky and Steve from Essex - great peeps and now great friends

We were delighted to stop in Arzua as it is famous for its creamy and velvety cheese...breakfast of coffee, toast and a plateful of cheese was definitely called for!
Tummies full, we were off again, this time 8 km to Calle...pit stop and fresh squeezed o.j, perfect...and who walks by, Karali from Perth, Australia.
Karali in a Canadian sandwich

And it was on again...destination Santa Irene. When we got into town, we starting to get a touch desperate as the first 4 Pensions were 'completa' and, frantic as we were becoming, we tried an albergue, it had only one bed left...since we weren't going to flip for it, we trudged on. Rounding a corner, on the hunt for the municipal albergue, which we were assured was so big it couldn't possibly be full (great, just our kind of place ... not!) we happened to spot a sign for yet another Pension...on the off-chance, we popped in and asked...they had 2 rooms left...we only needed one, and we grabbed it up! There are three beds in the room, and it's spacious with couch, chairs, t.v. and big once again, a happy little accident!
After dumping the packs, grabbing a shower and changing into the evening togs, we walk out and find Becky and Steve who just happen to be staying at the same Pension. After a very deserved glass of vino, the conversation gets around to, "thought you two were staying in Santa Irene?" To which I answer, "we are, this is Santa Irene!" And then Steve enlightens us that, no, we blew past S.I about 3 km back...who knew...not us, obviously. So another bonus...we are in Arca and now only 17.5km from Santiago. Tomorrow...well, let's say there will be may more pix!

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