Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 12 - stopped our forward movement at Calzada del Coto

Today has been a story, and a very wise decision by two very wise Canadian women...
Starting out from Itero de la Vega, it was 9 km to our first coffee! Strong and hot and more than enjoyed!
Then it was another 6 km to Fromista.
Fromista is a world heritage city, and it was a beautiful little city.

In Carrion de los Condes, we ran into the sweet and very gentlemanly fellas from Italy who walked with us over the mountain on that rainy cold day, when we left Ages. They trekked out in front to be sure we didn't take the wrong ( longer) path that day.
Worth two pix as we wanted all the boys in the pix!

We had taken a very good look at our mappa, and KNEW that walking the next 50 km beside the highway, over flat, shade-less, meseta was not an experience that would bring us any joy, nor be anything different than a trip across Saskatchewan, so we hopped a taxi to Sahagun and then walked another 5 km in the blazing sun, to stop at the little town of Calzada del Coto. With each step, we congratulated ourselves for a wise decision, and one that will ensure that we can spend another full day in Santiago, and perhaps even take a day trip to Finisterre.
The albergue is beside the city park, so we got to watch a few of the locals play soccer, no extra charge!

1 comment:

  1. I'll try not to be offended by the Saskatchewan comment!
