Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 18 - big ups and sharp downs all the way to El Acebo

What the day lacked in distance, in more than made up for in up, up, up and down, down, down. The weather today was perfect for walking, cool and slightly overcast at what was a later start for us...not out the door until after 6:00. Right out of the gate, however, it was upward and upward for the full 6 km to morning coffee.
The sun just glimmering on the mountain top, had to stop if you wanted to look cause the path needed full attention when walking

After our morning reward, it was another 2 km to the Cruz de Ferro...the highest point on the camino.

The pile of stones, shored up by a few bigger rocks, but mostly pilgrim's stones from home
My darlings, it was hard to leave the stone you gave me. I've had it in my hand and in my pocket for the whole trip. I miss you all! See you in another two weeks!

Barb left her stone, but didn't want a pix, so just me mugging for the camera!
After the Cruz de Ferro, we walked in the clouds for kilometres and kilometres...we weren't sure how we could feel like we were still climbing, but we were, remember the cloud shrouded mountain a couple of posts ago...well we were now IN them. 

Not sure how many times today we just looked around in wonder at where we are!

We had decided to walk only 18 km today, because of the elevation changes...and seriously, the downs are far harder on the knees and feet than ups are!
Not even close to the bottom of the hill yet, but we would lose sight of the top in a minute, so snapped the pix here. 
Tomorrow is Barb's birthday...this was an amazing way to spend her last day as a 56 year old! Tomorrow...57 and...on to Ponferrada. 

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I am very moved seeing the pic of rocks and the highest peak on the camino...unforgettable
