Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday, June 29 - 712 km must not have been enough

What does the average pilgrim do on the day after a 712 km march...walk around the city of Santiago, of course. And what a day...Saturday is market day, and the booths and stores are all open for business...Barb and I most definitely lent a helping hand to the Spanish economic situation!
See the window balcony on the top floor on the left hand corner? That's our room. Did we mention yesterday that our window overlooks bar street? The parties were still raging at 3:00 in the morning...and it wasn't until after that when we could open our window for a little cool night air in the room...the noise was just that loud...happy pilgrims. We did a good job, staying up and celebrating, but we're in bed way before 3:00.
Market day and the stalls line blocks and blocks, just too much fun
Then it was time to go and watch the launch of the bonte fumaria ... another tradition that isn't to be missed...just like in the movie, but Emilio wasn't on one of the knotted ropes.
Barb, Klaus and me

Coming back from a little more shopping and walking, who do we bump into but Klaus from Germany who we first met at the little albergue in San Bol...he is doing a video-clip production of all the pilgrims he meets, and we are in there about 2.5 weeks ago. He has promised to send us a link to the finished product. Just a sweetie!
Tonight, the word is spreading to meet in the main square at 6:00ish for a big get together supper. Everyone who sees anyone they know, have walked with, met on the road are to mention it, so we'll see what kind of a party we can pull together for what is several of our friends' last night in Santiago.

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