Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 22 - as days go, this one was a downer!

We were told that we had reached the top of the last mountain when we reached O Cebreiro...ha! After going up a little more, which was fine, and then level and slightly down, there we were facing another hill, and not a little one...a hill that had us begging for the bar at the first town (4km) to be open and serving coffee. No such luck! By the time we had huffed through another 2km to Hospital da Condesa, the doors were open and the coffee was hot, fresh and delicious with a side of toast and jam..hey, we worked hard already, we needed the toast!
The view of today's start, taken last night 
Thinking, okay, now for a little flat before the downward grade that we knew was coming, we were stunned, and almost ready to cry, when we faced yet more up,  and steep up at that to Alto do Poio. The name of the place should have been a dead giveaway, but who was really paying attention? Obviously, not us! 
Grain fields,vineyards and fields of poppies have given way to patchwork field of grazing pasture. Cows, sheep, goats and German Shepherds abound
Once we were at the 17 km point, at Biduedo, the real hard part began. It was 7 more km to Triacastela and most of the +650 metre vertical drop comes in the last 5 km - we are talking slow, short steps and many of them. Needless to say, when shade presented itself, we stopped and took total advantage.
The albergue we are staying at here in Triacastela is rustic, very well appointed and just a delight. We will, no doubt, sleep like little logs tonight! We hope..............
The scenery was absolutely breathtaking. You had to stop to look; however, so you didn't fall over or trip or step in 'something'

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