Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 10 - to Arroyo San Bol

The first map indication says that the next town out of Burgos is 5 km, but fails to warn you that you have to walk for almost 5 km to clear Burgos first...coffee never tasted so good! 
Piled rocks along the path

No rain, but it was overcast all day, which makes for lovely walking. It only got to about 11degrees C so a bit chilly whenever we stopped. 
At 24 km, with this isolated little albergue beckoning, we made the very wise decision to call 24 (+ the 5 thru Burgos) enough.
The albergue, quaint, small and oh so welcoming!

The foot bath, but today, it's way too cold to indulge

With a ruin just a few metres up the road, natural spring-fed healing foot baths, and a charming building that sleeps 12, we hit the jackpot. Enrique is our host and made supper with abundant fresh produce and a huge dish (a metre in diameter is my guess) of Paella that more than fed all 12 of us.

Getting sorted out for the night. The bunk with the satin pillowcase and silk sleeping bag liner would be mine...hey a girl has her standards!
The dinning room - sits up to 12 
But no wifi, so will post today's entry tomorrow.

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