Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Barb's Birthday- July 19th - and Ponferrada, city of the Templars

Left El Acebo at 6:00, the only problem was that when we walked the 4 km to the first town, not a thing in Riego de Ambros was open yet. We did however meet a very nice young man, Michael from Munich who started out from there three months ago with no money and only a few bare essentials. He says that the trip has been a real test of courage and faith, and it's taught him that what he thought would be the most likely sources of help, haven't been, and that help and aid come sometimes from the most surprising places and people.

He chatted with us for but a moment and then, once we started the severe downward slope of rocks and rocks and more rocks (not talking pebbles here...some boulders however) we never caught sight of him again...he was a morning gift to keep us from thinking about our lack of hot,delicious cafe.
A mere 5 km to Molinaseca and a very appreciated table, chairs and COFFEE!
The bridge that was the backdrop as we sipped our morning cafe con leche 

Yesterday we had climbed and climbed, and today, it was the descent into Ponferrada, over 600 metres of descent to be exact, most of which was in the first 9 km. The city's name means iron bridge, and the city is noted for being surrounded by mountains (at least one of which we climbed). But the most spectacular thing about the city is the 16,000 sq. metre Castillo de los Templarios. The Templar castle, given to the order of knights in 1178 by Ferdinand II of Leon, so that the Templars could protect the pilgrims on the camino.
We are staying at a lovely little hotel, right across the square from the castle. At 4:00, when it reopened, we took our tour. Here are a few photos...
One of the arches leading to the square, complete with Coat of Arms
The contemporary Templar statue in the square

As it is Barb's birthday...well, a hotel was more than called for. 
Original rock walls in our room...neither of us can believe we are actually here and experiencing all of this.
We've been eating very well on the camino. Meals have been varied and always delicious....way too much food and always so good. Tonight; however, Barb's bd choice is salad, pizza and Godiva cupcakes!
Pix of the castle are in the next blog post...too many pix!

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