Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 24 - to Portomarin

We've talked about hopscotching about with different people and couples, well, one of the couples that we've passed, they've passed us, we've passed again and so on for about a week, are Angelina and Joun from Portugal. They are walking the camino for their 40th anniversary...way cool. Yo...Jo and Beth...hint, hint, hint!

So, this morning, off to a great start, about the usual time, lovely clear skies and the path was lite by a full silvery moon...about as poetic as a morning is allowed to be. But, much to our shagrin, other than a few farmers getting their cows to the milking sheds, NOTHING else was open, until a long 7.5 km when the cutest bar at Morgade welcomed us with the biggest cups of coffee we've had yet. And toast of course!
Our next quick stop, Mercadoiro,was at a bar that was Ina house that was constructed 300 years ago. The owners have kept all the best features, but added thoroughly modern plumbing and kitchen almond cake yet! AND, just half a km later well, a pix is worth a thousand words...
Double digits!!!!!

It was only another 5 km to our stop for the day, and the last 5 km were more of what we'd enjoyed all day, absolutely mind blowing scenery. Barb says that its the most beautiful part so far, and there have been some other amazing views, so that is saying a lot.

Arriving in Portomarin, we were faced with a very long bridge over the incredibly swollen Rio Mino...not as swollen as the Bow is right now, but Spain has been having its own issues with higher than average rainfall.
After the bridge...46 steep stairs, which is the ONLY way into the city. 
Climb those after a full day hiking!

The albergue where we are staying; however, was worth the climb. 
The view from our very own deck! Life is good!


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