Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 11 - 27 km to Itero de la Vega

Got a good start today. We knew when it was 5:45 and Enrique wasn't there yet, that there was no way breaky would be ready by 6:00 as promised. Since it was a short 6 km to Hontanas, we opted to get started and have a breakfast break there. 
The day was about as gorgeous as a day can be, slight cloud cover and 13 C by 6:30. Perfect camino temp! From Hontanas it was another 6 km to the ruins of the Convento de San Anton, which sported the Templars insignia, so tres cool! 
Ruins of San Anton 
Only the ruins, at San Anton, so on we walked to Castrojeriz where we devoured our staple, egg and potato tortilla - trust us, it's DELICIOUS! And along with tea for Barb and coffee for me, we downed glasses of o.j.- fresh squeezed and wonderfully pulpy. Barb picked up a great rain jacket for 18E, an excellent purchase!
Our table - an old millstone -ha!
It's a good thing we fortified ourselves, as a huge, long hill awaited us just outside of the town. And when we say huge, well, we ain't exaggerating ... huge! This hill is colloquially called " Knee-breaker hill"...enough said!
See that little line headline way up to the left, and the teeny-tiny monument at the top...that was the 2km climb which was matched by a steeper decent on the other side - gruelling comes to mind.
This is the monument at the top of the climb, those specks in the distance are Castrojeriz

From there it was another 9 km to Itero de la Vega where we stopped and refused to move another metre!
The albergue here is great with semi private rooms, so we are in camino heaven! And there's wifi!!!

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