Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 14 - on to Leon! We are over half way there!

Not quite as early today, just our regular 5:00 up and on the path by 5:40. Today it was only 6 km to coffee, bonus! Just a little more meseta to contend with and Leon beckons! 
Our morning coffee in the lovely albergue La Jarden, in Mansilla de las Mulas. The albergue is run by a very friendly Olga, and the roses are the passion of her husband

Leon! Must say this is quite a city. Barb says that she will start working on Dora and Scott as soon as she gets home, this is the next trip destination. Scott, you are to start Spanish lessons ASAP!
Instead of talking about the city, here are a few pix that say it all.
The view as we step from our Hostal
The policia and court house entrance
Casa de Botines de Gaudi - a beautiful example of the architectural genius of Gaudi
Storks can be found everywhere
Find a horse, and you'll find Barb!

1 comment:

  1. Spain is definitely a beautiful country with amazing
