Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 21 - journey to the top...O Cebreiro

Beautiful cool day today, and just what was needed for what was to be the most difficult climb so far...not exaggerating a bit...seriously vertical!
But first, the morning coffee, and this time toast and jam, just because sometimes a change is as good as a rest. That's what we told ourselves, anyway!
The best thing about coffee this morning...
The sign on the wall! Just 12 minutes after coffee...we broke 175 km to Santiago!!!

And the ascent began, not so bad at first, but for about 7 km, we were walking beside a roadway, and on pavement...harder by double than walking on a forgiving path.
We arrived at Las Herrerias, where there is a handsome Spanish gentleman who runs a string of horses...Barb has been showing signs of Equine D.T.s for the last few days, so we chatted with him and he was fully booked for the last 8 km to O Cerbreiro, but said that if we walked to La Faba (by the way the steepest 4km) he'd meet us at the bar there and we could make the last 4 km on horseback...Barb was in heaven, and the two Airdrie Rodeo Girls were riding again! Barb's Helena and my Gabiello were heaven sent and a delight.
Riding with full pack was easy...mounting required a little assistance
Yes, I put on a helmet, too, but it really didn't got with the outfit....
This is a view of the valley (which we walked up 23 km and rode 4 km) it goes on  far as the eye an see

Call it wanting the FULL camino experience, as riding horseback is a totally acceptable way to make the trek. In fact, if you arrive at the Santiago Cathedral before 10:30 a.m., you can bring your horse in for a blessing, too! Ha, who knew?
At the top...albergue here we come! Thank you Pedro for taking the pix!

An Italian gentleman (Lorenzo from Sicily) who we have met a few times along the way, just came in and said he knew we were here before he came in the dorm because he recognized my laugh...he says I'm the happiest pilgrim he's met...go figure!
Adios for now...we are doing a little laundry and then it's supper...we are starved!
Had to head to a bar, limited wifi here...and of all the gin joints in all the world, who walks into ours...Olaf and Jeff, two B.C. men we've leapfrogged with since our second day on the trail. Beers are in order...except I'm having wine!
Me, Jeff, Barb and with the B.C. boys

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