Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Diamond Head

In all the times I've been to Hawaii, I never climbed Diamond Head, until today. Quite the climb, and the humidity and temps were a factor. But so worth the climbing effort!

Once you walk up to the first parking lot, you have to walk through a tunnel that you share with the traffic
One of the other bunkers on the ridge 
Green all along the way
Holes in the lava mountain
The trail is reminiscent of the Camino in spots
See all those little specks almost at the top? I'll be there soon...
One of the stairways that are part of the climb
View from about half way up, the back side of the crater
The stairway to the bunker
Part of the walk is through a rough cut tunnel
The bunker from the last curve of the climb
Waikiki Beach from way up here!
Hello from the edge!

Back to Waikiki for a swim to cool down and to soak up a few rays (through the intermittent cloud cover)
A lovely sunset ended a great day!

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