Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, last day on the Islands

And since it's Wednesday, it's off to the Aloha market...a tradition that is just fun to keep!
If you plan your trip right, you can go to the market on one of your first days...towels, t-shirts, all the stuff you need at market prices! The Aloha Market is on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. 
And then it was check out time, but I still have seven hours to breathe the island air, so I offered my lei to the sea and promised to return!
Lunch at Bubba Gumps...another island must.
This location (Ala Moana Mall) even has Jenny's wedding dress under glass!
The view from the deck tables
For those who want a Forrest pix while they wait.

Until my next visit to these beautiful islands...Much Aloha!!!

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