Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Club Cero Cero...

My BIS choices - Siberian BIS, Boxer BIS 2, Peke BIS 3
My Terrier group winners
One of the numerous breed statues in the Show Grounds...amazing collection
For David - had to take a pix of the Basset
The Club offices and meeting rooms are a treasure drove of art works. Many picture Xolo and Chihuahua
Main boardroom full length mural

Francis and I were having a wonderful time looking at all of the art. I especially like the display 'stands' in the library - what else but stands made to look like stacks of books to display smaller figurines upon
More figurines
Solid silver Chihuahua

And for a little fun...
The outdoor Chihuahua statues
The Show grounds
Clay statues graced each table 

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