Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Mexico City - March 2017

To truly enjoy Mexico City...you have to allow yourself to be caught up and carried along with the rhythm of the city, it's an ancient pulse that throbs with life itself. 
One of the oldest Churches in Mexico 
Geo's are amazing - I particularly like this one
If I had a garden big enough - this would make a great conversation piece 
Pyramids of the Sun and Moon - Teotihuancan - absolutely amazing!
Walking around the Pyramid of the Sun to the staircase where you can begin your assent to the top level - a long way up - FitBit counted 28 stories. 
A look down...almost to the top...two more levels to climb. Steep stairs!
Path of the Dead...
Frames of the paintings at some of the churches are so intriguing - works of art in themselves...
The excavations of the oldest pyramid in Mexico City. 
On with the Show...

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