Thursday, August 3, 2017

Osaka - day 2 - with Yukari and Wendy

First stop - the Golden Temple 
Yukari and Wendy
The other side of the Golden Temple
Beautiful water gardens throughout the park area

Going in to have ceremonial tea - there are little fountains like this at each entry to each temple and shop - you take a dipper of water - pour some on right hand, then left hand, pretend to splash some on face and then let the remainder of the water flow down the handle to rinse the handle and then put the dipper back for the next person
Wendy and Yukari - ceremonial tea and cake
Girls in traditional kimono 
And guys too
Full dress and makeup
Back - full dress
Beautiful shops
Temple - this area had a lot of shrines to family and to expecting mothers
Wendy and me in front of dragon statue
More places to wash before entering temple area
Scaffolding - lashed bamboo
Look ma - no safety harnesses
Such a beautiful park area

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