Monday, August 31, 2015

A day of sight-seeing in Seoul

Changing of the Guard at the Gyeongbokgung Palace
This Palace was the royal residence of the Korean Emperors, prior to its destruction during the Japanese occupation. It is going through a complete rebuild, and since 2010, it has gotten to this point, about 25% finished. 
Quite the ceremony and pageantry - begins at the outer, first gate
The second gate...
All gates and walkways are in three lines - only the Emperor and his wife and family could walk on the middle (higher) walkway and through the middle gateways
Emperors Throne Room
A Golden Dragon protects the Emperor from above...amazing decoration on the ceiling of the Trone Room 
Royal Library
Saija and me in front of the Emperors celebration spot, complete with surrounding boating waterway
The Museum, a lovely structure, surmounted with a Pagoda
Me and my Monkey - the Animal symbol for my birth year
Huge sculpture at the front of a market street where art supplies and amazing Korean paper sellers abound. This 10 metre high oriental paintbrush is a fitting mark introducing the street market.

Farewell BBQ

A wonderful weekend, shared with several new friends and two friends who I had not seen for ages. It was great seeing Hock again, and meeting Hilda, and it was a pleasure reacquainting with Hiroshi Kamisato's from Japan. A little Dynamite to start things off. 
And then June started expertly preparing the BBQ for the four at our table
Hock and Sang-Kook Kwon sharing a friendship shot
Wol-Nam Jeon and I sharing a friendship shot
L to R - Mr. Sang-Woo Park; Barbara Muller; Sang-Kook Kwon; Saija Juutilainen, Finland; and me - all in our BBQ aprons
L to R - Tan Oo Hock; a Club member who I did not get a chance to meet; Hiroshi Kamisato; Mr. Jeon; Mr. Hidemi Takahashi, Japan; and, June Kim.

Dog Show - Day 3

Lunch at the Show with Mr. Park
The last Show of the weekend...Mr. Hiroshi Kamisato's BIS choices. 
Soo Yong, my translator for the weekend
The beautiful Mrs Hilda Tan, wife of Tan Oo Hock, Malaysia

After the Show it was off to yet another great restaurant for Korean BBQ, our farewell dinner. If you are starting to think that besides judging, all we did was eat, well, you are not far from the right of it. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dog Show - Day 2

SThe second day, there were two Shows running concurrently, so a lot of activity. I was so pleased to be part of this amazing judging panel, with judges from Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Switzerland and Finland. 
Mr. Kwon, Judge Committee Chair
An art contest for local school children. Of course the families came to the dog show to see the art and stayed to enjoy some of the show.
Barbara Muller, Switzerland, an I with the Good Luck Dragon at the Kintex facility. 

Tonight was supper with the other judges, June Kim, the wonderful Manager of the International Department of the Korean Kennel Federation, and Soo Yong, my gorgeous translator. The restaurant was quite close to our hotel, and provided us a speculative view of the Singing Fountain. 
The fountain before the lights and water show began
Dancing water and lights
Taken from the restaurant
The view of the Singing Fountain from my room at the hotel

Dog Show -Day 1

On the first day of the Show, there is a grooming competition and, for these young hopefuls, a chance to do their written theory test and a practical 'grooming' on whichever dog is in that little crate at their feet. It was amazing to watch the seriousness and concentration of these youn up and coming groomers!
Mr. Park welcomed all the participants in all cmoetitions and the guests and judges. A true gentleman, Mr. Park took over the presidency of the KKF about 10 years ago. At the time the club had shows of about 200, 10 years later, entries are over 2000
In the 'Creative Grooming ' competition, the groomers get to pull out all the stops, complete with 'bedazzling' - just so much fun to watch
Ms Coco Channel
She wouldn't stand still so this is the best snap I took of her logo
The exhibition hall where the Show was held, taken from the judges lunch room
My BIS prize table
My BIS dog, an amazing Bulldog, breeder/owner handled. I was joined by Mr. Park - KKC President, Mr. Kwon - Judges Chairman, and Mr. Jeon - Secretary General.

After the Show, it was time to go to mr. park's welcoming supper, and very warmly welcomed we were. A traditional Korean dinner with more dishes than I could count. Delicious every one that I sampled. The meal started with Mr. Jeon making us a local drink ... Dynamite ... and a welcoming toast from President Park.

Friday, August 28, 2015

A restful day in Goyang - outside of Seoul, but part of the greater city area

Woke up to a breathtakingly beautiful morning. 
A parkland runs just to one side of the hotel. About a 20 minute walk and you come to the Singing Fountain. I have every intention of walking there before the end of my stay. 

The very colourful mall, right across the street on the other side. One whole part of the massive complex is a Water Theme Park. It was Thursday, so realatively quite. On the weekends, however, the place is over run!
Tan Oo Hock and his beautiful wife let me tag along thru the shopping mall. This entire kiosk features dozens and dozens of types of Kimchee - and they encourage you to sample. The wonderful so gals manning the booth served up shrimp Kimchee, cuttlefish Kimchee, asparagus Kimchee and some more standard types of varying 'hotness' 
And if the fresh made Kimchee wasn't enough to fill your shopping basket ... the store has a Kimchee section that is bigger than most of our dairy sections!
The MVL at night - the second floor, which is all lite up is the bar one one side and coffee/tea and pastries on the other. The remainder of the second floor is the grand ballroom and the buffet restaurant that is rather overwhelming in the sheer number of dishes to choose from.

The park at night - I took just a short walk to get a snap of the lights at night. Two more days to the full moon, when it is customary to walk in a garden bathed in the full moon's light.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Seoul Korea -night arrival

Left Copenhagen for Dubai, and what do you do when you have more hours to fill between flights than even a true shopper can fill? Yes - a foot massage, complete with almost an hour in a massage chair works just fine! 

Arrived after 7:30, so besides the limo ride to the hotel - MVL (Most Valuable Life) hotel, not a lot of looking about yet. 
Now that is a beautifully designed Observation Tower
All for me and my luggage - riding in style
A lovely welcome on the tv in my room
View from my floor to ceiling/wall to wall window
Bed - so ready to hit the pillows!!! It is very dark out there!

Fun with Ulf and Lotte

After a nice one night stay at the Tivoli Hotel in Copenhagen, right next to the famous Tivoli amusement park, Ulf came and picked me and all my luggage up and before heading to their beautiful home, we zipped about Copenhagen a bit. Each time I've come to visit, Ulf plays Best Host Ever and takes me to see a couple of unique spots. This time we started with a walk thru Christiania (worth a look-up on the net). A commune type of city within the city - they have declared themselves a sovereign state - funny as it was formerly an army barracks and when the army moved to new digs...well let's just say a population of forward thinkers moved in. 
Entering - after that, there are only a few places where photos are allowed - nefarious deeds going on and all that!
A little too early for the concerts to begin, but they are always ready! 
Tall ship in the harbour
The Royal Yaught - window, driving and a touch of rain, so not the best shot if it. 

The amazing new Opera House, side view
Beer and open sandwiches at Copenhagen Street Food - right on harbour, dozens and dozens of kiosks and did I mention delicious? Well it was!
Eating street food and admiring the view of the Theatre for performing arts. Okay, enjoying the dark beer, too!
Lotte and Ulf's beautiful back yard
Lotte and Sir Otto
Supper and then a coffe at an amazing North Sea Inn 
It was getting dark - too dark to see sea almost! Ha!
They have such an amazing home - and it's filled with photos, antiques and amazing dog art collected over many years! Ulf took these two off their walls so I could snap them together - by amazing Danish artist Irene Naarits
Ulf giving me a lesson on how to show reindeer 
I learn quickly - he awarded me the BIS ribbon!