Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dog Show -Day 1

On the first day of the Show, there is a grooming competition and, for these young hopefuls, a chance to do their written theory test and a practical 'grooming' on whichever dog is in that little crate at their feet. It was amazing to watch the seriousness and concentration of these youn up and coming groomers!
Mr. Park welcomed all the participants in all cmoetitions and the guests and judges. A true gentleman, Mr. Park took over the presidency of the KKF about 10 years ago. At the time the club had shows of about 200, 10 years later, entries are over 2000
In the 'Creative Grooming ' competition, the groomers get to pull out all the stops, complete with 'bedazzling' - just so much fun to watch
Ms Coco Channel
She wouldn't stand still so this is the best snap I took of her logo
The exhibition hall where the Show was held, taken from the judges lunch room
My BIS prize table
My BIS dog, an amazing Bulldog, breeder/owner handled. I was joined by Mr. Park - KKC President, Mr. Kwon - Judges Chairman, and Mr. Jeon - Secretary General.

After the Show, it was time to go to mr. park's welcoming supper, and very warmly welcomed we were. A traditional Korean dinner with more dishes than I could count. Delicious every one that I sampled. The meal started with Mr. Jeon making us a local drink ... Dynamite ... and a welcoming toast from President Park.

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