Friday, August 28, 2015

A restful day in Goyang - outside of Seoul, but part of the greater city area

Woke up to a breathtakingly beautiful morning. 
A parkland runs just to one side of the hotel. About a 20 minute walk and you come to the Singing Fountain. I have every intention of walking there before the end of my stay. 

The very colourful mall, right across the street on the other side. One whole part of the massive complex is a Water Theme Park. It was Thursday, so realatively quite. On the weekends, however, the place is over run!
Tan Oo Hock and his beautiful wife let me tag along thru the shopping mall. This entire kiosk features dozens and dozens of types of Kimchee - and they encourage you to sample. The wonderful so gals manning the booth served up shrimp Kimchee, cuttlefish Kimchee, asparagus Kimchee and some more standard types of varying 'hotness' 
And if the fresh made Kimchee wasn't enough to fill your shopping basket ... the store has a Kimchee section that is bigger than most of our dairy sections!
The MVL at night - the second floor, which is all lite up is the bar one one side and coffee/tea and pastries on the other. The remainder of the second floor is the grand ballroom and the buffet restaurant that is rather overwhelming in the sheer number of dishes to choose from.

The park at night - I took just a short walk to get a snap of the lights at night. Two more days to the full moon, when it is customary to walk in a garden bathed in the full moon's light.

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