Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tea House

After the silk factory we went for a lovely foot massage. Delightful. One of the other highlights was a beautiful Tea House that is a true experience. 
I brought home some O'olong tea - which translates as Black Dragon... Come over for a cup some time!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Silk Factory

Silk is amazing stuff, even more so when someone explains and demonstrates exactly how this beautiful fabric is produced
Our guide who told us about the life cycle stages of silk worms
How you can tell if a cocoon is a single worm, or double - all in the shake
Only single worm cocoons can be used for single thread silk ... and each cocoon produces thousands of metres of thread
A double worm cocoon ... the worms are picked out and the netted mesh of silk thread is immersed in fairly hot water and then the 'netting' is stretched over larger and larger frames until it is dry
The stretching frames
These four women take the individual pieces off the largest if the small frames and stretch the mesh out to quilt size fine gauze sheets
This quilt has 90 layers of silk mesh - perfect for a summer quilt
And then there is the decorative silk work...gorgeous and such bright jewel tones

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Forbidden City

Spanning 72 ha, the Forbidden City was constructed between 1407 - 1420.  It comprises 9,999 rooms - 9 is a sacred number. The main gate is accessed from Tianamin Square. 
The entrance archway
Wendy in the Outer Court before we walked through the Gate of Supreme 
Centre gateway of Supreme Harmony - only the Royals are allowed to walk through the middle gateway
There must be water to satisfy the Feng Sui harmony balance
The male Fu Dog, guarding the gateway - male has his paw on a globe, female has her paw on a baby Fu Dog - ying and yang always. I couldn't get a good shot of d'momma.
There are hundreds of these large kettle-shaped pots - they were kept full of water, in case of fires. There is a brazier in the base to Keep the water from freezing in the winter. 
The 'halls' and palaces are all on stair step risers - the higher the risers, the more important the occupant or activity. 
Detail of one of the corner pieces - only Royal palaces and parkways could use yellow-gold roof tiles
Looking toward the Qianqing Gate - which leads to the palace area
The Fu Dogs and the water cauldrons are gold plated here - the centre walkway is made up of one piece of stone carved with intertwining dragons
The rear walkway leading out
One of the corners - a 7.9 metre high wall surrounds the entire city, a watchtower on each corner.  The walls are surrounded by a moat - the Tube River - which is 52 metres wide and 6 metres deep. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday and The Great Wall

Chang Cheng - long wall ... And today, Wendy and I headed to Badaling, the Wall section closest to Beijing. We climbed to the highest point on the wall - 880 meters - the Guntiangou Tower, one of the 54 Towers in the Badaling Section. I will post a few pix, and add a few words when I'm not so tired!

Up against the wall of the highest Tower - it was breezy up there, but HOT - a very sunny day...lucked out!
A wicked up'n'down .

Yup...I was up there!!!

Jade Factory and one Emperor's Tomb

As well as the Great Wall, the tour guide took us to the tomb of one of the 13 Ming Emperor's tombs that are located in Beijing (16 Ming emperors in total -only 13 are buried in Beijing). But first we visited a jade factory...words fail me to describe some of the pieces...
An intricate ship, complete with rigging so and exquisitely carved dragon details
This carving of Pi Xiu (9th son of the dragon which brings luck and prosperity) is about 25" long and 18" high...very heavy piece out of a clear dark piece of jade
Only part of the market floor...all jade and all magnificent
I picked out my own smaller Pi Xiu and this gal is stringing it with jade beads to make a braclet- a lovely piece and I'm'a liking it!
On to the tombs - yet another gate to walk thru. The middle arch is always for the royal procession, and that is no different for the funeral places. It is very bad luck to walk on the middle section...or so it is believed
One of the braziers where they burned the silk clothes inscribed with the emperor's full name and well as a detailed description of all his accomplishments. Now, people toss in paper money to be burned (?) as an offering for good fortune
Larger than life statue of the big guy Chengzu himself...
Final gate before the actual tomb. 
Huge stone carved with the full name, set above the tomb - in the soul tower 
Everything is the China red color, but only Royal buildings are allowed the gold colored roof tiles
A tree is growing out the side of the wall above this archway to the lower level of the tomb
As a wonderful bonus to the day, we were taken to the Institue of Chinese Medicine and students gave us a welcomed foot and leg massage ... after the Wall and walking the tomb, it was a pleasure indeed!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

To the Lake in Tianjin

A few pix from the hotel. 
Pedro and Francesco ready for their day of judging
A Jade sculpture in the hotel lobby
Very cool bamboo woven plant!

I will add pix from the lake and the bullet train to Beijing tonight...