Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Forbidden City

Spanning 72 ha, the Forbidden City was constructed between 1407 - 1420.  It comprises 9,999 rooms - 9 is a sacred number. The main gate is accessed from Tianamin Square. 
The entrance archway
Wendy in the Outer Court before we walked through the Gate of Supreme 
Centre gateway of Supreme Harmony - only the Royals are allowed to walk through the middle gateway
There must be water to satisfy the Feng Sui harmony balance
The male Fu Dog, guarding the gateway - male has his paw on a globe, female has her paw on a baby Fu Dog - ying and yang always. I couldn't get a good shot of d'momma.
There are hundreds of these large kettle-shaped pots - they were kept full of water, in case of fires. There is a brazier in the base to Keep the water from freezing in the winter. 
The 'halls' and palaces are all on stair step risers - the higher the risers, the more important the occupant or activity. 
Detail of one of the corner pieces - only Royal palaces and parkways could use yellow-gold roof tiles
Looking toward the Qianqing Gate - which leads to the palace area
The Fu Dogs and the water cauldrons are gold plated here - the centre walkway is made up of one piece of stone carved with intertwining dragons
The rear walkway leading out
One of the corners - a 7.9 metre high wall surrounds the entire city, a watchtower on each corner.  The walls are surrounded by a moat - the Tube River - which is 52 metres wide and 6 metres deep. 

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