Saturday, September 12, 2015

First morning in Beijing

It was raining last night but the restaurant Carol and Ivy and the other club members took us to was just across the street, so a trusty umbrella was all that was required. 

The meal was amazing with so many dishes being brought, that it was hard to taste even half of the dishes before being stuffed. 

The entertainment was spectacular with musicians, dancers, acrobats and, my favourite, a male fan dancer who was truly fun to watch. Photos are on my phone, so will download later and add them. 
This morning dawned bright and beautiful.
View from my room. As soon as the early morning clouds cleared, it was a glorious day. 
After breakfast, went for a quick visit to the silk market, just to have a look and get an idea of what I would like to have made next week when we are back in Beijing. 
Saw some lovely jackets and have narrowed it down to three or four styles ... now to pick the materials...sheesh, literally thousands to choose from!!!

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